Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fertility and Waiting

So a couple of mornings ago I woke up with swollen fingers.  So I could be pregnant.  Or not.  But something is making me retain water.  Or ice cream.  Maybe I’m retaining oreo cookie frozen yogurt in my fingers.  My body couldn’t process the 1/2 gallon I put away the other night so it’s being pushed out to my extremities trying to find egress through my digits.  I’m also having little mini dizzy spells.  Does that mean I’m pregnant?  Or is it a side effect of all the progesterone coming from the 6 foot long needles Bob pushes into my butt every night (we do the most romantic things, don’t we?).


This is the part of the fertility cycle where I put every thought, feeling, emotion, sensation, ache, pain, dream and black cat that crosses my path under the microscope.  I’ve already taken a home pregnancy test, foolish mortal that I am.  Of course it was negative.  The official test is Monday.  It would be wonderful if I could make it until then without testing myself.  I buy my tests on-line in bulk which cost a fraction of what they do in the drugstore. I can buy 25 test strips on-line for the same amount of 3 at CVS.  If you know anyone dealing with the same mishegas as I am, I beg you to pass on the link: to them.  You will be their new best friend. 


Waiting is by far the worst part of the cycle.  It makes me tired. I need to go take a nap now.  Does that mean I’m pregnant?









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