Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fertile Ground



How do I feel right now?  I wonder if it’s like finding out you just won the lottery.  First you’re jumping up and down with joy, but that only lasts a short time.  Then you get really quiet inside.  You aren’t sure who to tell or if you should tell anyone right away.  You can’t quite wrap your mind around this – it’s sort of surreal.  You know your life is going to change in indescribable ways, but you don’t know what they are.  You have no idea what your future life will look or feel like  But you know on a deep level that you are incredible lucky and blessed.  There are lots concerns to worry about, but for now, they’re not really on the radar.  There’ll be plenty of time to deal with them


So, that’s pretty much how I feel.  Of course, I’m scared of another loss.  How can I not be?  But I feel a sense of security in this pregnancy.  It feels like when I was pregnant with Sam.  I’m really tired and hungry a lot.  My feet are a little sore and I’m out of breath when I walk up stairs.  This all happened really early on with Sam, but not with the others.  What were all their uterine names?  Speck, Gumball…..hmmm…I can’t remember the last one.  It’ll come to me.  We’ve already named these two (just in case there ARE two, we don’t want one to feel left out) – They are Jake and Shmo.  I don’t know why.  It just happened that way.  Good luck Jake and Shmoe.  Burrow deep, my friends, and hang on tight.













Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fertility and Waiting

So a couple of mornings ago I woke up with swollen fingers.  So I could be pregnant.  Or not.  But something is making me retain water.  Or ice cream.  Maybe I’m retaining oreo cookie frozen yogurt in my fingers.  My body couldn’t process the 1/2 gallon I put away the other night so it’s being pushed out to my extremities trying to find egress through my digits.  I’m also having little mini dizzy spells.  Does that mean I’m pregnant?  Or is it a side effect of all the progesterone coming from the 6 foot long needles Bob pushes into my butt every night (we do the most romantic things, don’t we?).


This is the part of the fertility cycle where I put every thought, feeling, emotion, sensation, ache, pain, dream and black cat that crosses my path under the microscope.  I’ve already taken a home pregnancy test, foolish mortal that I am.  Of course it was negative.  The official test is Monday.  It would be wonderful if I could make it until then without testing myself.  I buy my tests on-line in bulk which cost a fraction of what they do in the drugstore. I can buy 25 test strips on-line for the same amount of 3 at CVS.  If you know anyone dealing with the same mishegas as I am, I beg you to pass on the link: to them.  You will be their new best friend. 


Waiting is by far the worst part of the cycle.  It makes me tired. I need to go take a nap now.  Does that mean I’m pregnant?









Monday, August 18, 2008

Kirtan and Ants

One day in late spring, I was sitting in my friend’s living room taking part in Kirtan.  For those unfamiliar with kirtans, I’ve included a description from my friends e-mail reminders at the end of this post.  Essentially, I’m cross-legged on the floor chanting devotional songs about and to various Hindu deities with a bunch of strangers.  Why am I doing this?  Well, it’s something to do besides watching reruns of Law and Order, it’s social, it’s spiritual, it’s fun, it feels good and I like to sing even if it’s in Sanskrit.

Anyway, in the middle of chanting, I notice a big black ant crawl out from under the upholstered armchair to my left and walk cautiously out.  He sat for a bit listening to the music then walked rather aimlessly around.  I watched him wondering what to do about this.  And decided that unless he walked on top of me, I would do nothing.  Every so often I would check on him to see what he was up to until he disappeared across the room.  A little while later, another big black ant crawled out from the same spot, maybe looking for his buddy, This one crawled around in front of me and meandered toward two woman sitting further down my row.  They deliberated for a bit before deciding to liberate him.  They caused a bit of a distraction as they guided him up onto a piece of sheet music and carefully carried him to the front door gently placing him outside.  They seemed pleased.  Shortly after, a third or maybe the same ant that had been transported climbed out bravely from beneath the armchair.  It paused, and then made it’s made down the row stopping this time in front of an older woman.  She noticed him at once and deftly pulled a tissue out of her pocket, placed it around the ant and triumphantly crushed him.  Wadding up the tissue, she set it down beside her for future disposal.  She seemed pleased.  Was this gross disregard of life in the middle of such a mindful practice such as kirtan?  Or was it completely practical – After all, who wants a houseful of ants?  I pondered for a while content that my decision had been to not make a decision as to the fate of the ant.  I was pleased.


What is Kirtan?  (explanation from somewhere on the web)

 A jewel among the various spiritual practices associated with Hinduism is kirtan, or devotional chanting. Kirtan is one of the most beautiful and expansive forms of bhakti yoga- the path of opening the heart through devotion and surrender.

The meaning of "yoga" is "union," and the goal of yogic practices is to recognize our true Divine nature. In bhakti yoga, each deity in the Hindu pantheon is seen as a different aspect or face of the Divine Beloved, and devotional practices are used to bring one closer and closer to the Beloved, until devotee and Beloved become One. Although kirtan involves singing or chanting, it is not necessary to have any musical talent or background, or even a good singing voice. Kirtan is the music of the heart, and it is sung freely from the heart.

Traditionally, kirtan is sung in call-and-response form. A leader sings a line or two of a song, and the participants sing it back. The words to kirtan songs are often repetitions of different names of the deities, usually in the Sanskrit language, or in a language derived from Sanskrit. The focus on the deities, and the repetition of their names releases the mind from it’s usual associative patterns, which keep us caught in the cycles of pleasure and pain that come with the ups and downs of everyday life. The vibrations of the Sanskrit sounds expand our hearts and minds beyond their normal limitations, into the depths of Spirit, and the recognition that we are never away from the Beloved.



Saturday, August 16, 2008

My Ovarian Update


Day one of waiting is over. Since dinner, I’ve eaten the rest of Sam’s grilled cheese, a bag of popcorn and am wolfing down my second WW latte bar. Could be worse. Yesterday went really well despite my very frayed nerves. Out of 9 retrieved eggs, 4 fertilized. Their grades were 8A, 8B, 6B and 4B. Since 4B probably won’t make it, we had the option to cryopreserve 6B and transfer the two 8’s. But even if we did that and have to do a future cycle, we would still have to harvest a new batch of eggs because they’re not going to transfer just one embryo. So we’re going for gold and transferred all three embryos. So, at this very moment, I could be cultivating our future triplets. Strangely, this possibility isn’t freaking me out. It’s also not likely that all three would take at my prehistoric age of 40 or so I’ve been told. Liane went with me to the transfer yesterday so Bob wouldn’t have to take another day off from work and the staff thought we were a couple. We were laughing our heads off. Should go to bed as it’s getting late and tiredness only makes the stress worse. Am immersing myself in Kite Runner to keep busy and may set up a facebook account just to pass the time. Maybe I’ll actually get my blog up and running.


Day three of waiting is complete. Made it through the last couple of days with lots of movie theater popcorn, troughs of Chinese food and tiramisu. If I don’t get pregnant, at least I’ll look like it soon. My mom is here visiting so that’s a great diversion. We engaged in marathon retail therapy today. Sam’s potty training is going well which also takes a lot of time and much patience. He’s terrified of public toilets flushing, but won’t pee in a diaper anymore so today was spent running through Target and other stores to get to the bathroom in time so he could shriek in terror as he sat on the toilet. Last week, I got so freaked out from him getting so freaked out that neither of us remembered to be mindful of his aim and he ended up peeing in my shoe.