Sunday, May 11, 2008

intro to this blog

So let me empty the contents of my mind into cyberspace where it belongs. Or outer space for that matter. Although to do that I’d have to launch it up through the stratosphere and it would have to be contained on something like paper and that would increase the amount of space trash floating around and that would contribute to the pollution problem we have that I stay up at night trying to find solutions for. Did you know that there are hundreds of millions of pieces of space trash in our solar system? And 'I' feel guilty when I don’t compost. So, cyberspace seems more environmental for now until we hear otherwise and it’s definitely safer than unloading all my brain vomit onto friends, family and the unsuspecting people behind me in the grocery line.

I think that anyone who starts a blog or writes a book must feel they have something to say. But to actually publish or think someone else would read your words, you’d actually have to think that you have something important or worthy or better than other people’s thoughts to say. So that makes me think that all writers must be sort of egomaniacs. And that’s one reason I don’t write even though I’ve always felt that that was what I’m supposed to do. Wonderful ideas for stories and essays float through my head when I’m on a walk or in the shower or when I’m just drifting off to sleep. But if I sit down with a pen in hand to capture them, they fizzle away faster than water on a hot fry pan. Whatever shred is left sounds so stupid and paltry that there’s no point in writing it down. So, I don’t think I have anything great to say. I just have a lot to say. It probably doesn’t matter because I can’t imagine anyone actually reading this except maybe my mother on occasion who thinks everything I’ve written since 4th grade is brilliant. My husband Bob might look at it now and again as well.

So that’s why I’m starting a blog. To get stuff out of my head and to practice writing. So that instead of writing a review in my head at 2am of a concert I saw or a book that I read, I can write it down and send it on-line. So that I can say what I really feel about potty training Sam or maternity care in the United States or gender inequality or politics. So if anyone other than my mother or Bob is reading this, I hope you enjoy it, relate to it, or hate it enough to know why.